How many people have heard of deep-sea fishing? If you are one of the few that hasn’t it is an amazing sport. The thrill of being out in the open ocean with huge swells, hopping on a boat, and hoping to catch some rare fish for dinner is exciting. It’s also different from regular fishing because you can catch anything- not just the type of fish that hangs out near the surface. You can come back with a huge Marlin, swordfish, shark, or even an octopus!

What’s so amazing is all you need to get started is a rod and reel and some bait, not to mention about $40 for a license. If you already have your own gear, then you are all set to go. But seriously how hard could it be?

Well if you want to become an expert angler you need the right tools, tips and tricks so here are everything you need to know about fishing off the coast.

Most people don’t realize what types of fish live in the deep sea but different areas have different types of fish and some fish can only be fished in certain seasons. The best way to find out what is in the area you’ll be fishing is to visit a local marina and ask them if they know any hot spots for catching bait fish, they will probably know where the fish are biting at that moment!

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