The freshwater fishing tips below are written to help beginner fishermen get started. Many of them are common sense or were learned by experience, but there are also some that you may not have thought to try. They aren’t in any particular order.

Each fish has a different time of year when it is more likely to bite. For example, a bass will bite best when the water is warm. Trout tend to bite more in the early spring. Always pay attention to the weather and think about what fish you should be catching on a day like this.

Something that often gets overlooked is your equipment. If your reel breaks while you are fishing you should try every possible way of getting it fixed before you cut your line and go home. It’s frustrating to lose a fish because of something as silly as a broken reel.

The first thing to do when fishing is figuring out what kind of fish you’re looking for, and then where the water is likely to hold them. If you don’t know what type of fish you’re looking for, it’s almost impossible to know where to go.

Even when you are in the place where fish should be (they aren’t always there) you still need to make sure that they are interested in what you have to offer. If all of your bait is gone or your lures are dirty, why would a fish want anything to do with you?

When fishing, it’s a good idea to have a bucket of water so you can clean your lures as soon as they get caked up with mud or sand. If it is difficult to pull them from the lure retriever, switch them out for new ones. It isn’t fair to other people on the lake if you are using dirty lures.

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